UPDATE: Supervisor Net V9.2.0 & My Monitor V 9.1.3

Transaction Management

UPDATE: Supervisor Net V9.2.0 & My Monitor V 9.1.3


We’re happy to announce the release of Supervisor Net version 9.2.0.

The main aim of this release is to move as much Computer Reservation configuration as possible from the older Silverlight administration application to Web Administrator. As such, the following is now available in Web Administrator:

  • General -> User Groups
  • General -> Operating Hours
  • General -> Holidays
  • Sites & Locations -> Sites
  • Sites & Locations -> Locations
  • Computers -> PC Group
  • Computers -> PC
  • Computers -> PC Type
  • Computers -> PC Type Notifications

Over the next few weeks, Computer Station, Computer Monitor and Monitor Themes are also going to be added and released as incremental updates, not requiring a full Supervisor Net upgrade on site.
By the end of the year, the remaining Facility Reservation configuration will also be included.

Part of this process has been to re-evaluate the permission structure in Web Administrator and vastly improve it, giving you much more granularity in the permissions that you can grant your staff. Most tabbed options and buttons can now be enabled or disabled. As such it’s recommended that you review the permissions for all user groups on your site after upgrading to this version.

We are continuing to improve the new Web Administrator based upon the feedback from our customers, and there’s a lot more in the pipeline. Keep an eye out for more great improvements and features coming out over the next few months.


We have been hard at work adding a number of big changes to this release. Some of the highlights include:

  • A new workflow has been introduced to help sites move to V9.1 and above if their users do not have email addresses, but use PIN numbers. The system will now prompt them for their PIN before asking them to enter their email address. A password reset email will then be sent to their email address, where they can set their password to use the web applications
  • My Monitor is now able to use funds from secondary accounts (i.e. departments, etc). Great for staff environments. In addition to this, we’ve also added support for adding funds to secondary accounts as well as using credit limits and supporting unlimited credit accounts.
  • The application launcher page has been made far more customisable, adding preamble text, text below icons, choosing a layout for the icons, header, footer and a text block beneath all the icons.
  • ‘Unaccounted Credit Card Transactions’ and ‘Credit Card Transactions in Progress’ can now be automatically purged from the system after a minimum of 60 days. This is set to 90 days by default.

If you haven’t yet checked out our device activation workflow using Laundry Monitor and Monitor Activator terminals, talk to your Monitor account rep for a demo. It’s a fantastic system that can be used for customers to pay for and use virtually any device that can be activated using pulses or a relay. Think of BBQs, games machines (including pool tables), hot water and of course, laundry machines. We’ve included more improvements for this system in this release.

A complete list of changes is as follows:

Supervisor Net
[Feature] #16501 Added support for the new My Monitor Lite (MML) license type, for My Monitor version 9.1.3 or above
[Feature] #16438 Supervisor can now also send event tickets when there is no table or seat associated with the booking (i.e. general admission)
[Feature] #16391 Support for the new subscription system has been added to Supervisor Net
[Change] #16525 The Authority export template has been changed to not include the cost of items for cancelled orders
[Bug Fix] #16520 Newly created pricing models in the Print Administrator did not have any extension names
[Bug Fix] #16486, #16485 Page counting fixes for PCL6 jobs
[Bug Fix] #16477 Supervisor Net would fail to update the status of a laundry device if the associated terminal’s location field was blank

Web Administrator
[Feature] The permissions system has been completely re-vamped. Permissions are now much more granular in areas that require this kind of control, such as user account management. It is recommended to check the permissions for your admin user groups after an upgrade to this version
[Feature] Added the following new My Reservation configuration options:
General -> User Groups
General -> Operating Hours
General -> Holidays
Sites & Locations -> Sites
Sites & Locations -> Locations
Computers -> PC Group
Computers -> PC
Computers -> PC Type
Computers -> PC Type Notifications
[Bug Fix] The administrator application would sometimes load forever when changing to the computer management view
[Bug Fix] The application would sometimes complain that it was out of licenses when attempting to log in, when there should be sufficient licenses
[Bug Fix] #16532 The dashboard view would sometimes error with the message ‘You do not have permission to execute this operation’
[Bug Fix] #16531 ‘Default Suffix’ option was missing from the Global Properties tab
[Bug Fix] #16505 Adding certain values to accounts would cause the interface to lock up
[Bug Fix] #16360 Not all strings in the application were being replaced correctly

Web Print
[Bug Fix] #16449 Emailed replies were being populated with the user’s Primary ID instead of Primary Name, and the Web Print URL was not being populated at all
[Bug Fix] #16411 If the casual printing system was enabled, (Where a user sends an email to Web Print and then receives a reply with a job ID), the print room system emails would be intercepted, causing that system to fail

Monitor Online Ordering
[Feature] #16443 Added the ability to sell subscriptions
[Feature] #16515, #16403 Added an option to decrement the daily sales limit on items in Online Ordering when the items are purchased in iPOS

Supervisor Insight[Change] #16432 For the 38xx reconciliation reports, Add Value transactions will now list the GL Code if possible, but remove the GL Code if the Pricing model =’Quota Adjust’
[Change] #16431 For the 6000 and 1240 report, the Margin % calculation has been changed to (Price – Quota – GST) – Cost/(Price-Quota-GST)

My Monitor[Feature] #16542 Checking out from Laundry Monitor now supports the use of quota balances
[Feature] #16537 Guests can now choose what permission group to be added to when creating their account
[Feature] #16535 The system will now purge all old incomplete and successful transactions after 90 days. An option has been added to extend or reduce this time, to a minimum of 60 days
[Feature] #16513 For the SITS system, the source reference number is now populated into the narration field of the transaction
[Feature] #16510 The help and terms & conditions links on the login page can now be configured to be bold or a different sized font
[Feature] #16468 A new workflow has been introduced to help sites move to V9.1 and above if their users do not have email addresses, but use PIN numbers. The system will now prompt them for their PIN before asking them to enter their email address. A password reset email will then be sent to their email address, where they can set their password to use the web applications
[Feature] #16442 A new license type for My Monitor has been introduced for those sites using the web applications, but not using My Monitor for topping up accounts or purchasing using credit/debit cards or account to account transfer. This new license is called My Monitor Lite, and its code is MML. Using this license type will disable all payment gateway functionality but still allow users to log into our web applications using My Monitor
[Feature] #16419 Credit Limits, unlimited credit accounts and secondary accounts are now all supported for checking out from Web Print, Online Ordering and Laundry Monitor. Restrictions can be put in place preventing adding value to secondary accounts or using secondary accounts when checking out from a particular application
[Feature] #16418 Secondary account balances will be displayed on the main page if the user’s account is ‘Account held secondary’ and they have a default secondary defined
[Feature] #16415 It is now possible to choose which login options are displayed to a user if they browse directly to a web application other than My Monitor
[Feature] #16414 An additional help link can now be displayed on the login page, taking the user to a different help page. The title of the link as displayed can be configured
[Feature] #16413] The application launcher page has been enhanced, enabling you to set its own header, footer, preamble, layout of icons, text below each icon and divider lines between icons
[Bug Fix] #16543 If a laundry device failed to activate after a customer had paid using a non-stored credit card, they would be incorrectly refunded twice
[Bug Fix] #16534 The transaction retry system was not marking a transaction as complete (and therefore ignoring it from that point on) if it found that an incomplete transaction had actually been committed correctly
[Bug Fix] #16522 For sites using suffixed accounts, the account name on the receipt did not always match the account number
[Bug Fix] #16506 Upgrades were over-writing the saml-client.php file and breaking single sign on
[Bug Fix] #16497 The default favicon was missing

This version is available for our distributors to download from our Filemanager system.