Latest Meal ID Developments

Transaction Management

Latest Meal ID Developments

Our Meal ID Solution is a complete meal tracking solution designed for schools, hospitals and other institutions. It makes meal tracking super-efficient with counting, dietary alerts, and pastoral care reporting. Our fully scalable solution has the ability to see a user’s full transaction history and restrict access to certain locations. Meal ID also allows users to scan their ID and their information is available within seconds.
Meal ID streamlines the process

Our newest development within the Hospital and Institution sector has been the request for configurable daily quotas. Previously each user got a daily quota of a certain number of meals, or specifically in this case – one meal per shift. This was to reset at a certain time each day, however, sometimes the user was asked to cover an extra shift – resulting in an extra meal. We have now made this daily quota configurable to allow these changes to be made on a case-by-case situation.

Behind the scenes, Meal ID is a powerhouse of data management. See a user’s full transaction history, restrict access to certain locations, report on overall totals for a day/ week/month, etc. Use this data to improve your meal service, track usage, receive instant dietary alerts and assist with pastoral care.