Integration with Windcave Move 5000

Transaction Management

Integration with Windcave Move 5000

Monitor now provides integration to the Windcave Move 5000 terminal for Open (EFTPOS) and Closed Loop Transactions

The Windcave Move 5000 EFTPOS terminal is a portal battery powered, wireless machine that now provides fully integrated EFTPOS with MonitorBM’s iPOS Point of Sale system.

Not only have Monitor provided the integrated EFTPOS system but we have also worked with the Windcave HIT software interface so that the Move 5000 can also accept Monitor Closed Loop accounts as a settlement option too. No need for an additional card reader to accept Monitor account transactions.

The Move 5000 improves efficiency for staff in a normal shop environment, but it can also help promote the use of iPOS in a mobile capacity on a Campus, e.g. market days, events etc.  

We are pleased to be working closely with Windcave in adding these features to our system