Gosford City Council – Cloud Hosted Solution

Transaction Management

Gosford City Council – Cloud Hosted Solution

Gosford City Council roll out fully cloud hosted Monitor solution at all 8 library branches.

Monitor have delivered a fully hosted server infrastructure platform to Gosford City Council who utilise the Monitor solution for the delivery of an online micropayments platform for all their public libraries for the charging of photocopying & printing.

The hosted infrastructure runs on solid state drives, offers dedicated RAM and high availablity clusters to run the Monitor server application and web services in a secure, locally based commercial data centre.

For network redunancy the network includes feeds from Telstra, Primus, Sole TPG, NextGen, WAIX and PIPE. This ensures maximum network efficiency and minimal downtime if any routes are disrupted due to provider issues.

With a cloud hosted solution, Gosford City Council don’t have to supply or maintain any server infrastructure or staff to maintain it.

All council staff and operator access to the Monitor solution is provided by web portals with secure authentication, alleviating the requirement for any applications to be locally installed.